Nimbin, A Quirky Village Nestled in the Byron Hinterland


Nimbin, Lifestyle And Natural Beauty


Nimbin, located in the beautiful state of New South Wales, Australia, is a small village with a interesting reputation. Nestled in the lush hinterland of the Northern Rivers region, Nimbin is famous for its unique and alternative lifestyle, attracting visitors from around the world. Our picturesque village offers a vibrant mix of natural beauty, cultural diversity, and a rich history that sets it apart from your typical Australian destination.

The vast forests of red cedar initially attracted loggers to move into the area round the 1840s. Unfortunately, by the end of the century, most of the land had been cleared.

With the cedar forests gone, Nimbin was now subdivided to allow the land to be used for,  dairy farming and growing bananas. In the 1960s, the local dairy industry collapsed due to recession and Nimbin went into serious economic decline until 1973.

When the Aquarius Festival, a large gathering of university students, practitioners of alternative lifestyles, hippies, and party people, was held in the village.

As many of the festival goers stayed on, Nimbin became a hub for alternative lifestyles and ideas.

The Nighcap National park was one of the many locations that were saved by the direct action of groups of activists by blocking bulldozers with a human chain.

The beginning of the modern conservation movement involving direct action occurred during 1972 to 1982 in the upper Northern Rivers region. The conservation campaigns started in an attempt to prevent further logging of the rainforest in the region. Terania Creek at Nightcap was the site of the first rainforest anti-logging demonstrations in Australia. By 1979 the campaign against logging increased in intensity, starting an event known as the three-year Rainforest War involving a group of dedicated activists being supported by former NSW Premier Neville Wran. At one point, 100 people took radical action, forming a human barricade to block bulldozers.


Whilst Nimbin gained a reputation of the ‘Cannabis Capital’, it is now one of the forerunners of the medicinal Cannabis research and the production of Hempcrete, hemp based clothing, food and oils.
